Category Archives: DUI-DWUI-DWAI

Common Mistakes To Avoid After a New York DUI Arrest
Getting arrested for a DUI can be confusing and scary, especially if you have never been in this situation before. Many people who get arrested for DUI for the first time do not know what to do after the arrest. They do not know how to conduct themselves. Unfortunately, this leads people to make… Read More »

How Can the Police Prove You Were Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana?
Adults in New York can legally use cannabis (marijuana). According to New York law, individuals over the age of 21 can possess up to 24 grams of marijuana outside their home for personal use in New York. However, while the use of marijuana is legal in New York for adults, it is illegal to… Read More »

Can You Get a DUI While Parked in New York?
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in New York. If found guilty of DUI, you could face several legal consequences, including jail time, fines, and driver’s license suspension or revocation. Often, people are charged with DUI when they are actively driving with a BAC level that is above the legally allowed… Read More »

Drugged Driving Is a Serious Offense in New York
Most people, if not everybody, know that it is a crime to operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Most people are fully informed about the severity of the offense of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. However, many people are not informed about the crime of drugged driving,… Read More »

Tips for Hiring a New York DUI Attorney in 2024
In New York, you can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) if you are suspected of operating a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08% or more. Facing a DUI charge can be a scary experience. If convicted of DUI in New York, you risk facing harsh penalties, including imprisonment, fines, and the… Read More »

Can I Be Charged With DUI for Driving While on Prescription Drugs?
Many people are aware that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can lead to a DUI. However, few people consider the legal implications of driving while on prescription drugs. If you are wondering if you can be charged with DUI for driving while on prescription drugs, the answer is yes, you can… Read More »

Debunking Common Myths About DUI Cases (Part 2)
We debunked four common myths about DUI cases in a previous article with the same title. The myths we debunked in that article are; You must answer all the questions a police officer asks you You are required to submit to field sobriety tests You cannot be charged if you refuse to take a… Read More »

How Fast Does Your BAC Go Down?
Across the United States of America, the legal alcohol limit is a BAC of 0.08%. In all states, operating a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08% or more is illegal. If found guilty of driving a car with a BAC of 0.08% or more, your license will most likely be suspended or revoked. A… Read More »

Can a DUI Affect My Ability To Get a Job in New York?
Many people, if not everybody, know that a DUI charge can lead to prison time, substantial fines, and suspension of your driver’s license. However, many people may not know that a DUI can affect other aspects of a person’s life. For example, a DUI can affect your employability. Some employers ask about DUI records… Read More »

Plea Bargaining in DUI Cases
If you are facing a DUI charge, you may wonder what legal strategy is best for handling your case. A qualified DUI attorney can help you determine how to handle your case. One of the options you may be considering or that your attorney may mention is plea bargaining. A plea bargain in a… Read More »