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What Is a Class D Felony in New York?
In New York, there are two main categories of crimes. These are misdemeanors and felonies. Felonies are typically more serious than misdemeanors. However, even a misdemeanor charge can result in harsh penalties. Misdemeanors and felonies are further classified into different subcategories known as “classes.” It is crucial to understand the different classes of crimes… Read More »

What Is a Class C Felony in New York?
While both misdemeanors and felonies can result in jail time, fines, and other penalties, felonies usually result in harsher penalties than misdemeanors. Under felonies, the higher the level of the crime, the harsher the consequences. There are five categories of felonies in New York: Classes A, B, C, D, and E. Class A is… Read More »

The Crime of Perjury in New York
Perjury is a serious crime in New York. In New York, you can face harsh penalties if convicted of perjury. However, because the burden of proof for perjury is significant, defense attorneys often have a strong chance of beating these charges. If you are facing perjury charges in New York, contact an experienced criminal… Read More »

Common Immigration-Related Offenses
According to research, immigration-related cases comprise a significant portion of the federal criminal caseload. Research suggests that in Fiscal Year 2021, immigration-related cases accounted for almost 30% of all cases. The U.S. takes immigration-related cases very seriously. If you are found guilty of an immigration offense, you could face severe penalties. You could be… Read More »

Debunking Common Myths About DUI Cases (Part 2)
We debunked four common myths about DUI cases in a previous article with the same title. The myths we debunked in that article are; You must answer all the questions a police officer asks you You are required to submit to field sobriety tests You cannot be charged if you refuse to take a… Read More »

What Is the Difference Between Embezzlement and Money Laundering?
Embezzlement and money laundering are both types of white-collar crimes. They are both financial crimes that involve moving huge amounts of money. However, embezzlement and money laundering are two different crimes. Prosecutors must prove a unique set of elements in order to secure a conviction for each offense. In other words, what a prosecutor… Read More »

Reasons Why You Should Not Lie to Your Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you are facing criminal charges, it is of utmost importance to retain a defense attorney. While you have the right to represent yourself, it is advisable that you avoid being your own defense lawyer. After hiring a defense lawyer, you must avoid lying to them. It might seem obvious that you should be… Read More »

New York Police Department Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for September 2023
On October 11, 2023, the New York Police Department posted the crime statistics for the month of September 2023 on its website. For the month of September 2023, overall crime went down in New York City, and shootings declined compared to the same month last year. Overall index crime decreased by 5.6% in NYC… Read More »

How Fast Does Your BAC Go Down?
Across the United States of America, the legal alcohol limit is a BAC of 0.08%. In all states, operating a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08% or more is illegal. If found guilty of driving a car with a BAC of 0.08% or more, your license will most likely be suspended or revoked. A… Read More »

What Function Does a Jury Serve in a Criminal Trial?
If you have been arrested and charged with a criminal offense, you are most likely feeling overwhelmed about the process ahead. If your case goes to trial, one of the most crucial aspects of your case will be the jury. The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives criminal defendants the right to a… Read More »