4 Steps To Take After Being Accused Of Domestic Violence

Being accused of committing a domestic violence crime can cause substantial damage to your personal and professional life. Even if you are not convicted of the crime, you may end up losing friends or even your job. Because of the negative effects such an accusation can have on your life; it is only natural that you will want to do everything in your power to clear your name after someone accuses you of committing a domestic violence crime. However, despite what you may be feeling and the fact that you shouldn’t waste time after discovering you are under investigation for a domestic violence crime, you must remain cautious about the steps you take after finding yourself in such a situation. The steps you take after someone accuses you of being a perpetrator of domestic violence can make the difference between conviction and freedom.
The following are four important steps you should take after being accused of a domestic violence crime.
Step #1: Begin by Realizing the Trouble You Are in
Even if you are falsely accused of being a domestic violence perpetrator, you need to understand that you are still in trouble. So, don’t underestimate the trouble you are in even if you know you are innocent or for any other reason. As a result of minimizing the trouble you are in, you may fail to do the things you need to do, and that might lead to more trouble.
Step #2: Seek Legal Representation
Once you understand the trouble you are in and accept that you are in trouble, reach out to a skilled criminal defense attorney. Even if you are facing false allegations, it is important that you hire an attorney. Remember, hiring an attorney does not make you look guilty. You need an attorney to help prove your innocence. On top of that, you need an attorney to ensure your rights remain protected throughout your case.
Step #3: Gather Evidence
Once you have hired an attorney, you and them should gather and preserve evidence that can support your case. For example, you can have your attorney document the interactions you remember having with your accuser. Make sure to provide your defense attorney with every detail that can help with your case. Text messages and other forms of correspondence can come in handy.
Step #4: Work on a Witness List
After being accused of a domestic violence crime, you need to compile a witness list. Ensure you include the witnesses’ names, contact information, addresses, and any other relevant information in your list. Also, include in your list even the witnesses you think are unimportant to your case and let your attorney decide if they are important or not. After that, contact the witnesses. However, only do that with the help of your attorney.
Contact an NYC Domestic Violence Attorney
With over 30 years of experience, Mark I. Cohen, an NYC domestic violence attorney, can help you fight your domestic violence charges and maximize your chances of preserving your assets, freedom, and reputation. Contact the office of Mark I. Cohen, Esq., today at 917-414-8585 to schedule a consultation.